Innovation and Collaboration for the K-12 Special Education Field

Your exclusive invitation to shape our educational future

Discover what’s possible in the evolving landscape of K-12 Special Education. At RTM K-12 Special Education Congresses, we gather educators and innovators to dissect, iterate, and shape the industry’s future.

A Congress for K-12 Special Education leaders

Our K-12 Special Education Congresses are uniquely shaped to address the specific requirements and development priorities of the field’s leading innovators and decision-makers. Crafting unique convergence opportunities for educators nationwide to connect and develop, our Congresses provide distinct moments of engagement that lead to organizational and industry change.

Uniquely curated networking opportunities

In our invitation-only forums, Congress attendees stand to benefit from the power of authentic relationships built within a targeted environment. Meet like-minded peers, learn from their frameworks and solutions, and discover future partners within an event structure that’s sophisticated, focused, and mutually enriching.

Enhanced delegate outcomes

At RTM, we shape our Congresses on the firm foundation of respect for the time of our delegates. Your time is valuable – that’s why our K-12 Special Education Congresses deliver maximized results within a multi-day forum experience. Enjoy the fruit of a strategically designed event that ensures the time you invest results in significant and lasting returns for your organisation and your professional development.

The RTM Commitment

At RTM, we’re unwavering in our commitment to creating valuable and outcome-oriented experiences in each of our Congresses. Recognizing the passion of our K-12 Special Education delegates for the future of their industry, we’re driven to cultivate a platform that empowers you with relationships, learnings, and opportunities that are the necessary fuel for ongoing innovation.

Our invitation-only delegates and partners share the common thread of a commitment to excellence, discovery, and expertise. Their first-hand experiences directly shape the topics of note within each Congress, enabling our forums to strategically focus on the unique issues and priorities that shape our delegates’ everyday leadership environments. In these curated Congresses, you’ll find industry-leading peers whose organizational complexities mirror your own, creating natural opportunities for shared problem-solving, collaboration, and curiosity.

The result is efficient and highly effective, where delegates are equipped with the latest innovations within the Special Education sector. Achieved within a contained multi-day Congress format, our Special Education events condense innovation processes into days, not years.

At RTM K-12, your success is our own. We strive to create environments that fuel your knowledge, expand your networks, and amplify your impact in the K-12 education sector.

RTM Blueprints

Enjoy access to RTM’s thought leadership year-round with our strategically curated Special Education white papers. Available exclusively to RTM K-12 Special Education attendees and qualified industry leaders, these resources will empower your continued innovation and fuel cutting-edge knowledge development.

Understanding, Embracing, and Integrating Artificial Intelligence

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Blueprint for All School District Leaders

This Blueprint focuses on making students feel represented, and creating a sense of belonging, as well as finding and implementing ethnic studies resources in curriculum and instruction.

Key testimonials

Delegates in previous K-12 Special Education Congresses report:


"The RTM experience was indeed an opportunity of a lifetime! As a SPED Director, it was truly amazing to be in the room and collaborate with superintendents and colleagues from across the country! I would encourage everyone to be a part of this experience!" - Ronnie Harvey Jr., Calcasieu Parish School Board


"The East Special Education Congress was an engaging opportunity to learn and network. The RTM staff, hotel staff, and partnership representatives were professional, welcoming, and helpful. I appreciated the opportunity to be invited to attend." - Jamie Busch, Poplar Bluff R-I


""RTM has helped me to reframe my leadership skills! Through nationwide networking opportunities I have learned from some of the best leaders in the country! We are more common than not!
Thank you RTM for providing me with the opportunity to lead and learn!" - Stephanie Cole, Pulaski County Special School District


"This was a great event that gave us a venue to share experiences and gain innovative ideas! Loved it!" - Mollie Bolton, Special School District

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